Welcome to our Academy Consultation page
Welcome to the Mill Lane Primary School academy consultation webpage. This page has been set up to provide important information regarding the proposal for our school to become an academy and join a proposed new Multi Academy Trust to be known as Industrious Education Trust (IET) subject to DfE approval)).
Our primary focus at this time is to ensure that all stakeholders understand our proposals and have ample opportunity to seek clarification and provide feedback.
The stakeholder consultation period is now live and will run from 4 November to 29 November 2024 inclusive and will involve parents/carers, staff, pupils, partners and the wider community in discussions regarding the proposal for Mill Lane Primary School to convert to academy status and join IET.
What parents and carers need to know
You often have many questions when something is new and may change. We have prepared a variety of different information for you which will hopefully help to share what is involved in becoming an academy and what it means for parents/carers and pupils. A copy of an invitation to a meeting is enclosed along with some detailed frequently asked questions.
We will also keep this section up to date during the consultation period including uploading copies of any presentations and further questions and answers that arise.
Click to view Parent Consultation Letter
Click to view Stakeholder FAQs
Industrious Education Trust (IET) website link: www.industriouseducation.org.uk
Consultation timetable
The consultation period runs from 4 November - 29 November 2024.
In-person meetings at school
Across the consultation period, we will be holding a series of in-person meetings for parents and the community to attend.
Parents/Carers - Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 5pm - 6pm
Parents/Carers and other Stakeholders - Thursday 14th November 2024 at 9:00am - 10:00am
If you cannot attend one of these meetings but would like to talk to the school in more detail you can contact office@mill-lane.org.uk and we will arrange a conversation with you.
Consultation report
The consultation period has now ended and a final report has been written, which you can access here.
Our Governors have resolved to become an academy and to apply to join the Industrious Education Trust. We will keep you up to date about this application through this web page and through other channels of communication.